Non-Surgical Facelifts

FACELIFTS WITHOUT SURGERY Although facelifts are still a very common procedure, more people are choosing to rejuvenate their faces without the scalpel. How is this…

Rejuvenating the Face Without Surgery

MINI -FACELIFT WITHOUT SURGEY Does it work? As more people are choosing the needle over the scalpel for facial rejuvenation, “Fillers” are reshaping faces as…

Don’t Worry, Look Happy

Down in the Mouth Have you heard the expression, “Down in the Mouth?” Do people ever come up to you and ask, “Why do you…

Liquid FaceLift Cocktail

Liquid FaceLift Cocktail Dr. E. Ronald Finger The term Liquid Facelifts were first used when  Sculptra® became available in the USA as a filler for…

Treatment of Aging Hands

What makes hand look old? When you think of a young person’s hand, the dorsum (the top) looks clear of spots, the skin is thick…